I have often heard people insinuate that one rose from the dead to add his testimony to what the Bible says that they might then believe.
Although uneducated in the schools, he became full of the wisdom of God, and won many thousands of souls to Jesus, raised up hundreds of workers, inspired thousands more, and had millions of dollars given to him for the work of God. 10:17), and from that day he began to read the Bible, fulfilling its conditions and claiming its promises, and his faith grew wonderfully. I once heard one of the mightiest men of God I ever knew say that he used to pray and pray for faith, but one day he read this text: “Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God” (Rom. It is through the Word of God that we get faith. Just as a fire needs fresh fuel, and the body needs new supplies of food every day so the soul that would be strong and holy needs something fresh from the Bible each day.Ĩ Benefits of Bible Study 1. It so fitted her experience that her heart was made glad, and she pointed it out to her mother, and had her mother mark it.Ī portion of the Bible ought to be read carefully and prayerfully and lovingly every day. Some time later, while alone reading her Bible, she found this text: “This poor man cried and the Lord heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles” (Psalm 34:6). A little ten-year-old girl, who had been much afflicted, prayed to the Lord and found help. In studying the Bible it will be found that experience in spiritual things makes the Book plain to us.
Things in the Bible, which are hard for you to understand today, may become as clear as sunlight in years to come. The General says that he reads the Bible as he eats fish, eating what he can, and laying aside the bones but as the years go by he often finds that what he once could not understand spiritually has now become quite plain to him.
Of course, there are some things in the Bible hard to be understood, but if we will pay diligent heed the Holy Spirit will make it plain to us as fast as we are able to understand. It interprets holiness, and holiness interprets it. It makes plain the way whereby sinners may become holy, and holiness is an experience which, in turn, makes the Bible plain. It has no instruction, or blessing, or comfort for those who despise it, but to those who love it it is sweeter than honey, and more priceless than gold and precious stones. It marks an easy, straight path for humble souls, but it is a rough and tangled labyrinth to proud and wayward men. Like the cloudy, fiery pillar that went with the Israelites in the wilderness it is light to those who love and obey God, but gloomy darkness and contradictions to those who refuse to obey Him. though a fool,” need “not err therein.” Children can understand it, though philosophers are often puzzled by it. It can be bought for the New Testament can be had for, and it can be carried in the pocket. “For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.” (2 Peter 1:21). The Bible is such a book, except that in place of worldly honor and riches and joy, it offers heavenly instead of long life, it offers eternal life - a life of unutterable blessing and joy, and that without end. Or, better still, they would go to the author of the book. Instead, they would go for instruction to those who had most closely followed the directions of the book, and most surely gained its prizes. If there were any parts of it that seemed vitally important and yet hard to understand, they would not throw the book away or go to careless critics who took more pleasure in pointing out what they considered errors than in following what they and everybody acknowledged to be true. What they had learned, they would think and talk about through the day. If they could not read, they would do their best to learn in order to study it, and if they were too busy by day, I think they would sit up late at night or rise early in the morning to read it and commit it to memory. If someone had written a book so small that it could be carried in the pocket, and so cheap that the poorest could buy it, and if this book explained simply how anyone who followed its directions could surely, without any danger to themselves or others, gain the highest possible honors, the greatest riches, the supremest joy, all linked with long life, then I feel sure that everyone would want the book. Contained herein is profound and tremendous truth for those who want to know Jesus more and learn how the Word of God can influence and change your life. Though the article is a bit long, I highly encourage you to read its entirety. One of my mentors, who has become like a dear friend, Samuel Brengle (1860–1936), explains the importance of Bible Study and gives eight benefits to those who engage in it.